Global Education Administered Scholarships
The KSU Global Education (GE) office administers various scholarships. When students apply for a GE administered scholarship, they apply for all GE administered scholarships within one application.
- Global Education Staff Scholarship for Students
- Global Learning Financial Support
- Christina and Thomas Emerson Scholarship for the Advancement of International Education
- Clark Family Study Abroad Scholarship
- Takada Scholarship for International Education
- ENPLAS International Education Scholarship
- Fortezza Fund Study Abroad Scholarship
- Michele Miller International Student Scholarship
- Shelby R. Wilkes, M.D. and Jettie M. Burnette, M.D. Endowed Global Fellows of International Business
- True Family Study Abroad Scholarship
- Brian Olcott LaRaia Travelling Scholarship
- Tom and Jane Keene Montepulciano Travel Scholarship
- Andre Schnabl and Denny Marcus Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
- William W. Davidson International Archaeology Scholarship
Eligibility criteria for each scholarship is listed on the KSU Global Education Scholarship page.
Upon completion of the application, students will be considered for all of the scholarship aid for which they are eligible.