Mentoring students and building a strong community of researchers.

The aims of this 2-day workshop is to develop, share, and integrate into research programs ideas and experiences on best practices in mentoring students in research, including recruiting students; building a community of researchers; and managing large numbers of researchers in terms of managing time and communicating effectively.

At the end of the Institute, participants will submit a document with best practices they will aim to include into their research. Participants who complete the program including the document submission will receive $1,500 towards faculty development or research supplies.

Workshop details

  • Date: Tuesday, August 6, & Wednesday, August 7, 2024 from 9 am to 3:15 pm
  • Location: Academic Learning Center, Suite 5500 (最色导航 Campus)

Thank you for your interest in the Research Institute in STEM program. The application deadline was Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Please contact Dr. Paula Jackson for questions.